Sunday, October 14, 2007

Building a RAISED garden bed

Okay, so I have been thinking about starting my very first garden. My daughter is interested and I am in need of something to think about besides unicorns and fairies. I figured, we could both learn a little something and have our fresh veggies as a reward. After much research and hemming and hawing I think I have gotten to the point of where I would like to begin.

At first, I spent way too much of my precious time during the kiddies naps researching the best plan for building a vegetable garden.It had to be relatively easy and not too costly. I found fabulous plans for cedar boxes that I had the best intentions of building.

So, I take a trip to the local Lowe's and peruse the aisles for all of my materials-way more expensive than what I thought. I get to the lumber and they have none of the beautiful 2x12 cedar wood planks that I need. What is a girl to do? If I had the time and energy I would sit and think of how to devise a new plan to meet what they had at Lowe's, but, that is me in an alternate universe. So, I ditch my cart full of the 6"carriage bolts and screws and go back home to square one.

There has to be an easier way to build garden boxes without spending a fortune on all of the bolts, screws, boards not to mention the time to cut and saw and screw everything into place. I am all about efficiency, and I hate wasting time, especially these days when I have no time for a shower, much less, sawing boards.

Trolling around on the net I find my answer, corner brackets for raised garden beds. Who would have thought. I just slip my boards into the brackets and my bed is made. God, I love technology!

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